mercredi, mars 16, 2005

Iou's journey

The wind is blowing southbound, tagging along with it is the chill that it accumulated up north. My battle has just begun and there will be more coming as I advance toward you. I'd sacrifice myself as long as you are safe in my kingdom once again. Fear not my love, for when I am gone, I will return in a heartbeat. When you feel the wind caressing you, it is I who will be touching you. When you feel the sun wrapping its heat around you, it is I who will be embracing you. When it rains, it is my tears that will be dropping on you. When you fall, I will be there to break your fall. And if you cry, I will be the gentle breeze wiping it away. And when you laugh, I will be the muscles that expand your heart so you can laugh harder. And when you sleep, I will be the dreamcatcher that brings you only sweet memories of us together. And do not regret that we have quarrelled because they bring us closer. Fly and see the world, for I will be in every crook and corner, guarding you. And when you are weary from your journey, lay down and close your eyes, and listen to the rustle of the leaves for that will be my whispers to you. And if life is too arduous to endure, remember this and say it softly, and the little fire in you will kindle again and ever.

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